Go Carbon Neutral and Add Value to Your Business

Carbon Free


12 Trackable Benefits for the Climate, Your Clients and Your Company

Pronamics recently went carbon neutral. Apple and Microsoft have committed to being 100% carbon neutral by 2030. This goal is urgent and of utmost priority across the globe, as clearly shown by the latest global scientific study published in August 2021.

The climate crisis is happening faster than expected, irreversible tipping points are on the horizon, and the timeline is now more compressed than ever to wind down fossil fuel use. The report is a “code red for humanity,

– United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres

But how? Pronamics’ delved into the research and found solutions for you and your company – affordable, quick and truly valuable actions you can take to help create a sustainable, healthier world. Start with the fast, free options today and help make a positive change to the planet.

The biggest factor in our climate future is how quickly we make changes.

– Gizmodo.com – on the August 2021 IPCC Report: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis

Grow Your Business Success

In our social media-connected global community one post can cause reputations and businesses to boom or bust. Social responsibility has become a genuine social concern. Neutralising your carbon footprint gives your brand and business a competitive advantage.

People are watching your business, sharing (for free) the good (or bad) you do (and what you don’t do). Give them something of real value to share.

– Pronamics 2021

You may be thinking, “Aren’t all carbon credit schemes complicated and confusing?” Not anymore! It’s surprisingly simple and affordable to go carbon neutral or carbon negative.

Read on to see how you can add genuine value to your brand and ROI.

You were born at just the right moment to change everything.

– Eric Holthaus – Meteorologist and founder of CurrentlyHQ.com


 12 Ways Going Carbon Neutral Adds Value to Your Company

Offsetting your business’s carbon footprint sends a powerful message to the world about your organisation’s social responsibility. It also has financial benefits by creating tax incentives, expanding marketing opportunities, and much more. Here are twelve ways it benefits your company.

  1. It attracts clients, contractors, business partners, and investors who are concerned about climate change and environmental impact and want to be part of what you do.
  2. Positive action attracts positive marketing, boosts brand awareness, adds value, and positively affects consumer choices.
  3. When you show you care, you attract quality employees who also care about the environment and your company.
  4. It builds a healthy company identity and culture of value. Staff can feel proud of what the company is doing in the world, its mission and methodology.
  5. Your actions go beyond ‘greenwashing’ and help prove you are authentic in your support of the environment.
  6. It connects you to local, national and global communities which in turn increases your opportunities.
  7. It gives proof of your company value, giving your brand and company a competitive advantage opportunity.
  8. It enhances your chances of free word-of-mouth marketing that leads to improved profits.
  9. It can help your company become more efficient and cost effective by making energy saving changes.
  10. It can help you think differently, innovate, or be an industry leader. Innovation is the greatest currency you can have in advertising and marketing spheres.
  11. You inspire success knowing you are being fair in giving back to nurture a sustainable planet in exchange for what you take.
  12. Is it tax deductible? Yes, it’s tax deductible! You can go carbon neutral and reduce your tax = Win + win + win!!! (you + your customers and community + the environment).

What are you waiting for? Jump straight to THE SOLUTIONS section below.


If your company wants to initiate or update a corporate sustainability initiative then Project Drawdown will be a useful resource with 76 industry sorted solutions that already exist to reduce the climate crisis.

The fixes aren’t waiting for us in some distant future. They’re readily available right now.

– Gizmodo.com – on Project Drawdown: a world leading resource for climate change drawdown.org

Watch CLIMATE SOLUTIONS 101: Presented by Project Drawdown. This video series is “filled with the latest need-to-know science and fascinating insights from global thought leaders. Free, full of hope, and streaming now.”

For More Info: https://drawdown.org

What’s clear in this report is that the world needs to reduce and ultimately replace fossil fuels with clean energy. Then, we need to protect and expand the planet’s natural carbon sinks.

– Gizmodo.com – on Project Drawdown: a world leading resource for climate change drawdown.org

If the internet were a country, it would rank #3 in the world for energy consumption behind China and the USA.

Since Ecosia uses its profits to plant trees, every search with Ecosia actually removes about 1 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere. This means that, if Ecosia were as big as Google, it could absorb 15% of all global CO2 emissions.

– Blog.Ecosia.Org

Use Ecosia’s encrypted search engine, free browser extension or mobile app and plants trees with every internet search.

  • They use 80% of profits to plant trees (every 1.3 seconds) where they are most needed and help local communities (over 9,000 planting sites), local economies and the environment.
  • They are completely transparent, publishing monthly financial and tree planting reports.
  • They are 200% carbon negative. This means every search request you make REMOVES 1kg of carbon dioxide from the air!
  • Ecosia respects privacy. Unlike most other search engines, they have NO THIRD-PARTY TRACKERS and don’t sell your data to advertisers. Plus, your searches have a securely encrypted connection.
  • They were the first German B Certified Corporation, have won multiple awards, and in 2019 built a solar energy plant to power every search.
  • The user experience is no different to a Google search.
  • Ecosia has helped plant over 132,000,000 trees and counting – every second.
  • The trees Ecosia plants prevent erosion, create micro-climates that protect crops, restore depleted soil and create habitats for endangered animals.
  • Now over 50 million people use ECOSIA every day.
  • See 50 very good reasons to use ECOSIA https://blog.ecosia.org/50-reasons-to-use-ecosia/

This is the fastest, easiest, most affordable way you can reduce your carbon footprint right now. If you want a sustainable strategy that helps your business be carbon neutral then this simple switch is a MUST.

“The most impactful way your organization can support Ecosia’s tree planting projects is by making Ecosia the default search engine for employees.” They have all the details and options on their website. Every search counts!

Ecosia vs Google: https://blog.ecosia.org/ecosia-vs-google-free-alternative-search-engine- taxes-environment-privacy/

For More Info: https://blog.ecosia.org/australia/

We all pay for goods and services. This unique, sustainably sourced wooden Mastercard puts 80% of profits into reforestation and climate investment. There are no fees or hidden costs.

It’s never been easier to do your part to protect our planet.

– Treecard.Org

Treecard.org has a clever app with a full suite of finance and climate impact features to help track your spending and your tree planting progress. The card will be released soon. Sign up now and get in early. Help your carbon neutral progress for free with every purchase and get a usefully clever finance app as well.

For More Info: https://www.treecard.org/

Go carbon neutral or negative easily. We know the options and the climate calculators can be overwhelming, so we made it easy by doing the research for you! Let’s jump in with our two top picks.

1. Carbonclick.com

Based in Australia and New Zealand, CarbonClick offer an exceptionally easy industry average carbon calculator for fast results. They 50/50 fund valuable projects in Australia and across the globe.

Save the planet with a simple click.

– Carbonclick.com

You can create an account and access their more complex calculator if your company requires that level of detail. Easy options for businesses, travellers and individuals. Email them at info@carbonclick.com

Outstanding Strengths:

  • Easy-to-use practical tools = Climate action made simple
  • Track and see your impact grow
  • Support effective, high quality and meaningful climate projects
  • Fully transparent and tax-deductible
  • Fair priced per CO2 tonne compared to other funds

For More Info: https://www.carbonclick.com/

2. Carbonfund.org

Based in the USA, CarbonFund have a platinum seal of transparency, support over 200 projects globally, and offer a comprehensive range of options for individuals and businesses—including carbon calculators. They offset with forestry, energy efficiency, and renewable energy projects.

Reduce what you can, offset what you can’t.

– Carbonfund.org

PLUS, CarbonFund offers valuable branding and social media bonuses such as use of their logo, blog and newsletter articles, press release support and your own custom webpage on their partner directory. For individuals they have pre-calculated options for lifestyle, vehicles, air travel, homes, events, gifts, water, and planting trees.

Outstanding Strengths:

  • Large accountable organisation with many easy options
  • Easy-to-use carbon free partner program
  • Carbon free product shipping program
  • Carbon free events program
  • Fast pre-calculated options for individuals and businesses
  • Support effective, high quality and meaningful climate projects
  • Fully transparent and tax-deductible
  • Fair priced per CO2 tonne compared to other funds

For More Info: https://carbonfund.org/

3. Other Carbon Credit Calculators and Solution Provider Options

Need to compare options? These organisations can also help you calculate your carbon footprint, offset, and go carbon neutral or negative. They are more complex to calculate than the first two options.

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


We make it easy for businesses and organisations to have an impact and work together in reforestation. We deliver reporting to our partners of their impact to show exactly how donations are being spent and working toward our reforestation and conservation goals.

– ReforestNow.org.au

This team of scientists, bush regenerators and nurserymen/women are doing large-scale reforestation and bush fire regeneration work in Australia on behalf of corporations and individuals from around the world. Their nursery produces around 60,000 trees a year, and they prioritise endangered and critical species. You can become a ‘tree subscriber’ and have trees planted on your behalf every month (and get a tax deduction).

Reforest Now is a registered charity and Not-For-Profit with a proactive approach. They are highly transparent, sharing videos of processes, outcomes, reports, even GPS tracking of trees planted. They send corporate sponsors videos of their sponsored project to show outcomes. This approach attracted the support of ECOSIA as an international partner. Every donor can find their tree and track every day of planting.

The Reforest Now homepage has an impressive selection of videos showing exactly what they do and how. If you are a landholder, individual or business, they have solutions to help you make genuine changes that help the environment, remove carbon, and rebuild ecosystems. Every $5AUD = 1 tree planted. Donations are tax deductible.

For More Info: https://www.reforestnow.org.au/


 Doing is everything.

– Nespresso.com

You may have coffee pods at work or at home. Did you know you can recycle them for free into new aluminium products, biofuel, and enriching compost fertiliser? Here’s how.

“Aluminium is not just 100% recyclable, it’s infinitely recyclable.” An amazing 75% of aluminium ever produced worldwide is still in circulation. Sustainability is vital at Nespresso. “Each coffee capsule you recycle can come back in another everyday object – another capsule, bicycle, Swiss army knife, BBQ tongs, peeler, ladder, window frame or watch case.”

Nespresso‘s coffee capsule recycling program includes 39 countries. They are making a difference with a commitment to climate responsible business with tangible results for a more sustainable future. There are 19,000 collection points across Australia with a recycling solution near everyone.

5 Easy Coffee Capsule Collection Options (Any aluminium capsule brand is okay):

  1. Return capsules to a Nespresso Boutique store or partner florist
  2. Drop capsules off at participating recycling collection points
  3. Post the capsules to Nespresso with a special satchel they provide
  4. Arrange free bulk collection in a special provided recycling box (this is what Pronamics does)
  5. Participate in an Australian-first kerbside recycling pilot program (Mosman and Willoughby areas)

Ensuring aluminium, which is infinitely recyclable, is recovered for second-life saves 95% of the energy required to refine it from raw materials.

– Nespresso.com

For More Info: https://www.nespresso.com/au/en/how-to-recycle-coffee-capsules


By moving these value-adding activities in the coffee chain, we make sure we can have a positive and radical impact on millions of people. You win with your amazing Fairchain coffee for normal prices and the African farmers win in getting a bigger cut of the chain. Coffee wins, worldwide!

– MoyeeCoffee.com

You have coffee at work and at home. You can enjoy specialty high-quality Arabica coffee AND support sustainable change for good from a multi-award-winning company with the shortest supply chain from the farmer to the cup. Moyee Coffee is helping shift farmers from poverty to profit with a fair business model, deep-seated transparency (you can even call the farmer) and a positive economic, social, and environmental impact. Fairchain is far better than Fairtrade.

“Fairchain is all about a producer/consumer relation between local entrepreneurs and the consumer!” Here is the key problem: 90% of the profits from coffee production are kept with large multi-national companies outside the country of origin. Only 2% of the value is given back to local growers. This is unfair for farmers and unsustainable for local communities where coffee is grown and picked.

Moyee Coffee are extremely transparent and having a positive impact. By moving production, they have managed to roast and pack 84% of their coffee in the country of origin. They offer a 50/50 partnership with local farmers, leaving significantly more money in the country for sustainable industry and communities. The coffee quality is in the top 5% of the world because Moyee Coffee is forest shielded, hand-picked, slow dried and slow roasted. Win-Win-Win. The shipping to Australia is made affordable by ordering multiple kilos of coffee – which is standard for large organisations and companies.

For More Info: https://www.moyeecoffee.com/?lang=en


As a society we have realised that to care for nature is to care for ourselves… We can and must become part of a greater whole, acting for a greater good.

– Doconomy

We hope you find this information helpful. When we did the research, these providers rose to the top. Let us know which options you like, what actions you take, and if we can feature your work in a blog article. We hope this benefits your business in multiple ways. Send us an email at marketing@pronamics.com.au and let us know how you go. Future generations and the planet are very grateful for the actions you take now. It is a big deal with essential benefits.

Demonstrating transparency, accountability, taking responsibility and empowering people to make changes for good has significant benefits for all – including business.

– Pronamics 2021


Leading innovative ‘impact tech’ company Doconomy offers an ingenious range of financial tools and formulas designed to integrate with banks, brands and consumers and empower us by informing our choices. They are quickly gaining support, including from the United Nations Climate Change (UNFCCC), S&P Global, WWF, Stockholm School of Economics, Mastercard, and a number of innovative brands. Their tools are leading a new carbon awareness social movement that benefits sustainable life on the planet.
