Industry Feature: Australian Rail Track Corporation

Pronamics Industry Feature
Australia Choo-choo-chooses ARTC

The Inland Rail is one of the most ambitious infrastructure projects Australia has ever attempted, more so than me attempting to create the Woman’s Weekly Train Cake for my son’s birthday. And while the two are both based on trains, even I’ll admit that the Inland Rail is a little more challenging.

Projects of this scale are almost always very difficult to estimate, even for large companies that have built up decades of experience. The complexity of the Inland Rail is compounded by the sheer amount of work required to be done across multiple states.

Fortunately, the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has both decades of experiences and the advantage of estimating software that allows for years’ worth of resourcing and escalation.

The ARTC provides safe, reliable and efficient rail assets and services that underpin the Australian freight and passenger rail network. The Inland Rail will be a fast, direct route from Brisbane to Melbourne which will improve the flow of freight around Australia and create jobs in regional towns along the way.

Broken up into 13 individual projects across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, the Inland Rail will reduce travel times between Brisbane and Melbourne, centralise rail operations in Brisbane, build more than 600km of new track and create hundreds of jobs along its route.

And with joint ventures just announced in Queensland, we will see a variety of Pronamics’ clients getting involved, and know that Expert Estimation is bringing better rail to Australia.

That’s just the icing on the cake.


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