Resource Usage Tree in Expert Estimation

Pronamics Expert Estimation - General Estimating

Branch out with the resource usage tree

It’s low hanging fruit…

The Resource usage tree is accessed from the Resource Explorer ribbon menu or right-click context menu.

This window, by default, shows all locations in which the selected resource(s) have been used. This allows you to quickly analyse where a particular resource / group of resources are used or assigned.

At each location that the resource is being used and contributing value to the project, you can see the quantity and value of the resource. 

Note: Where there are multiple usages of a resource in a particular location, the cumulative quantity and value will be displayed instead of the standard quantity and value columns.

Within the ribbon menu of the Resource Usage tree window, the information can be modified to show either:
  • Usages – this option will display all locations in the project where the selected resources are contributing to the project and have a quantity assigned.
  • Assignments – this option will display all locations where the selected resources are assigned, whether they contribute to the project or not.

Show Usage Path is enabled by default and will display the complete path to which a Resource Usage (or assignment) has been used, ensuring you can easily identify exactly where in your project a resource is being referenced.

If the full path breakdown for each usage (or assignment) is unnecessary, you can choose to untoggle this option and display all references to a Resource in a flat list, allowing you to still familiarise the location, based on the name column including the relevant parent detail to locate the Resource.

Any information in the Resource Usage Tree can also be seen in the Resource Usage Tree Report in Usage or Assignment mode.

Note: You can navigate to the location of the usage/assignment by double-clicking on the row you wish to view.


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