Copying and pasting made easy
The Paste Cost Estimate feature allows for copied Cost Estimate content to be appended in order to replace the content of the currently selected Cost Estimates.
The Paste Cost Estimate button is found in the General group of the Direct Cost Schedule or Overhead Cost Schedule ribbon menus.
If the currently selected item to which you are pasting data already has a Cost Estimate dictating the costs of the item, the Conflict Resolution window will be displayed, asking if or how you would like the data manipulated to suit the new Cost Estimate. This will be done through the Append Or Replace tab, or the Default option on the Overview tab.
Clicking on the Append Or Replace tab will display the list of Cost Schedule lines that already have Cost Estimate contents. You can specify on a item by item basis if the item is to have the clipboard content appended to the Item’s existing Cost Estimate or replaced.
Append / Replace Cost Estimates makes it easy to reuse data quickly in your direct and overhead cost schedules of Expert Estimation.
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