Halloween 2024

Halloween 2023


Call us even at the witching hour on Halloween 2024!

We know estimators often work late. It’s one of the reasons the original version of Expert Estimation was developed in the late 1980s – so estimators could take home their projects on a floppy disk and keep working when deadlines were tight (stranger things have happened!)

While the software has advanced greatly, what remains the same is our commitment to providing support. When the pressure is on, it’s helpful to know there is someone to call in the darkest hours of the night.

There’s no need to be scared of getting an estimate finished when Pronamics provides 24/7 Support. Even though you can trigger Hidden Items in your Direct Cost Schedule to play a ghost sound*, don’t get spooked, it’s not magic!

No matter how late, when you’re tired and feeling like a zombie – get assistance and get the tender done!

We are working harder than ever this year to bring you the best software and support we can. Our development team is improving features, building new functions and enhancing performance of Expert Estimation this Halloween 2024.

*go to Project Options, General, Audio Options, Play Sound: Ghost.


Check out the Pronamics Knowledge Base. There is an article on every feature in Expert Estimation and Expert Project. These articles are free to access and can be searched and bookmarked for later reference.

We update articles every time a new update is released. You can read the Release Notes with all of the new features, application enhancements and bug fixes for each update. And you can always call our 24/7 Support line on +61 7 3481 9626 with any questions!