Make changes fast
You can access the properties of a base resource, by simply double clicking on the line number of the cost estimate, where the base resource is applied.
For example, if you want to review and change the rate of the fuel resource, you can simply double click on the line number here, make the change and then press enter or update. This will update the information for this resource used throughout this project.
You can also access Resource Properties by double clicking on the unit, the rate, the type, or by using this button on the ribbon toolbar, or by using the shortcut key control and R.
Have a look at our Knowledgebase articles if you would like to know more. The Pronamics Knowledge Base contains printable articles on every feature of the application, and is a great resource you can search and bookmark.
You can always call our in-house support specialists if you have a question. We’re here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
A lot of work goes into generating Tips & Tricks videos, but they are still part of our “More Done, More Fun” culture here at Pronamics.
It’s not just recording the odd video in a funny voice, or editing screen shots with old fashioned star wipes. Creating Tips & Tricks videos requires our training and marketing team to learn the features of Expert Estimation, which in terms strengthens our ability to support our clients.