Are you new to Expert Estimation?

Welcome to Expert Estimation
Welcome to Expert Estimation


Let’s talk about how it can work for you

Let’s talk about Expert Estimation. What is it? It’s a first principles estimation program. It allows you to build up detailed estimates of cost which are then reviewable, reportable and repeatable.

It makes estimating the cost of a major project, task, or developing a budget an easier process to manage. It’s structure reduces risk and it allows you to reuse any previously completed work in a way that’s straightforward and reliable.

Expert Estimation can be installed on any computer running a version of Windows later than Windows XP.

Who’s it for? Anybody who needs to estimate cost with more transparency and less risk while saving time. If that’s you, you’re going to get more done, so you can have more fun!


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A lot of work goes into generating Tips & Tricks videos, but they are still part of our “More Done, More Fun” culture here at Pronamics.

It’s not just recording the odd video in a funny voice, or editing screen shots with old fashioned star wipes. Creating Tips & Tricks videos requires our training and marketing team to learn the features of Expert Estimation, which in terms strengthens our ability to support our clients.

Check out some of these handy tips & tricks videos.