Changing from 2014 to Genesis

Pronamics Expert Estimation Cityscape


If you haven’t switched from 2014 to Genesis, now is the time!

Are you still using VHS and cassette tapes? Of course not, because the technology that plays them is out of date. If you want to watch your favourite movie or show, you’re no doubt using DVDs or on-demand streaming.

In the not too-distant future, it will be the same with Expert Estimation 2014. We understand our users who love the features and are used to the layout and iconography. But it is written in a now outdated programming language called Visual Object, and as software and hardware evolves, we need to ensure our application is compatible and optimised for the operating systems it lives on.

It’s the same as cassette tapes and VHS. There is nothing wrong with the technology, but running calculations in 2014 is like rewinding your VHS. Running calculations in Genesis is like hitting “play from start”.

But what is the best way to switch from 2014 to Genesis?

We understand that it is a big deal for some users and companies, so here is our checklist of ways to make it as straightforward and painless as possible. It goes something like this:

  1. Get the latest version of Expert Estimation
  2. Import any Libraries and Projects from 2014
  3. Consider a consult to get your team comfortable with the new application.

Easy, right? Let’s break it down because we know you like detail – you’re an estimator, after all!

Get the latest version of Expert Estimation
  • If your Support and Maintenance is up to date, arrange a support call to determine the best server arrangement for the application or read through our Knowledge Base articles on Configuration and Deployment.
  • If your Support and Maintenance is not up to date, talk to our team about options for trialling Expert Estimation (Excelerate, Express or Genesis).
  • Download the Pronamics Product Selector, enter your licence key and get the application up and running.
  • Play around in a demo project and get comfortable with the new layout. Again, our Knowledge Base articles are invaluable for clarification, especially our File Menu articles.
Import 2014 files
  • Start by importing any 2014 libraries (these are .ee3 files) and deal with any errors that are presented from the import. It is important you understand and resolve these errors to proceed – our 24/7 Support team is on standby if you have any questions.
  • Import your 2014 projects and again, deal with any errors that present so that data resolves correctly into the new application.
  • Start work and call Support with any questions!
  • If you want to take it that one step further, arrange a training or consulting day for a Pronamics Senior Trainer to run your team through any specific questions or projects they have.

When Mike Magnussen changed over from 2014 to Genesis, he gave us this feedback.

“I would like to commend your support team. I was ringing in sometimes two or three times a day when I first switched from 14 to Genesis. Nothing was too much for them. Excellent service.”

We continue to improve on Genesis, adding client-requested features and streamlining processes. Twice a year a major update goes out, as well as minor fixes and improvements throughout the year. By keeping your maintenance up to date, you benefit from 24/7 Support and can upgrade to new versions.

So organise your changeover today! We are here to help!

Talk to Us


At Pronamics, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We value honesty and encourage all stakeholders to present their case in a friendly, professional manner.

We agree to work cooperatively to find the best possible solutions. We always remain open to dialogue and change.

A photo of Glen Townsley

Glen Townsley is the founder of Pronamics, and has spent over 30 years building estimating software after a successful career as a civil estimator and project manager.