Johanna Townsley Recommends Businesses Read The Go-Giver

The Go-Giver


Make go-giving your go to

Pronamics Strategic Director Johanna Townsley was recently interviewed for 12 Business Books Every Game-Changer Must Read. Without a doubt, “The Go-Giver: A Little Story About a Powerful Business Idea” was her top recommended read.

It’s a book about authenticity, value and creating abundance, and takes the idea of being a “go-getter” to an inspiring new level.

The philosophy of this book imbues all of Johanna’s work. Pronamics has always been dedicated to helping businesses save time and money—that’s what estimating software is all about!

Listen to Johanna speak alongside many other business leaders (hint: if you’re short on time, she’s just after the 20 minute mark) and get inspired by “The Go-Giver” and other titles.

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Johanna Townsley

Johanna Townsley is the Pronamics strategy guru and fierce advocate for quality user experience and product value.


At Pronamics, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We value honesty and encourage all stakeholders to present their case in a friendly, professional manner.

We agree to work cooperatively to find the best possible solutions. We always remain open to dialogue and change.