Pronamics Fairy God Buddy Week 2021

Fairy God Buddy

Why wait until Christmas for gift giving?

Pronamics celebrates Fairy God Buddy Week, the purpose of which is to share gratitude, appreciation, and kindness with each other… and it’s a whole lot of fun.

How do we do it?

Step 1: We take the time to work out what our own love languages are and share with the office.

Step 2: Pull the name of another staff member out of a hat.

Step 3: Deliver fun little gifts, notes and surprises to show how much you value your buddy, keeping in mind what their appreciation languages are.

Step 4: Try to guess who has you for a Fairy God Buddy based on the kind of appreciation you receive!

Languages of Appreciation/Love Languages
  • Words of affirmation
  • Acts of service
  • Quality time
  • Physical touch
  • Gifts
How did it all turn out?

Surprise lunches, chocolate and coffee, as well as fun little messages and miniature Lego, everyone had the chance to try to do something meaningful for someone else. Staff teamed up to secretly leave little gifts or notes of appreciation on each others’ desks, really making an effort to show appreciation in the way their buddy would relate to the most.

It’s always fun to try to work out who has whom, or leave red herrings to befuddle each other. Some people are better than others at being discreet, but everyone is thoughtful and has fun.

The genuine care of Fairy God Buddy week 2021 is what makes Pronamics such a terrific place to work.


At Pronamics, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We value honesty and encourage all stakeholders to present their case in a friendly, professional manner.

We agree to work cooperatively to find the best possible solutions. We always remain open to dialogue and change.