But why is maintenance so important?
We spoke recently about what’s included in Pronamics Support and Maintenance program and all the benefits it gives.
It might seem easy to dismiss and say, “Maybe next year?”
But let us break down the reality of what software updates and 24/7 Support can really mean to you.
Software Updates
Pronamics releases two major software updates a year, and a number of minor quality updates. This brings out requested features, improves speed and performance, and fixes bugs or issues.
You can request features at any time—simply submit a ticket detailing what it is you want the program to do, or email our support team to discuss. We keep Feedback Registers for all clients so we can follow up with who requested which feature and when it was requested.
Once a feature has been released, we make sure we notify clients that their request has been completed.
Which requests are scoped for development depend on the number of people who request it, the coding complexity and its effect on how the software is currently used. Extensive testing is done to make sure any new changes do not adversely affect the user experience.
Expert Estimation is also updated to keep in line with digital infrastructure, such as the Windows environment. When Windows releases an update, we need to make sure those changes don’t have a negative impact on our application, and if they do, we update our code to make sure everything keeps working smoothly.
24/7 Support
The other half of the maintenance program is support. Pronamics is proud to boast an Australian-based support team available 24/7, 365 days of the year (or 366 in a leap year!)
If you have questions or need help the night before a tender is due, we are here to help. The last thing you want with an estimate is uncertainty, so 24/7 Support gives that assurance and peace of mind when you’ve been staring at the same numbers for hours on end.
It’s more than just a software
When you buy a Pronamics product, you’re not just buying the software, you’re buying the experience and the fact that every staff member cares whether or not you succeed.
Our support team is involved in the testing of the application. Our training team works with sales and support to touch base with new and existing clients.
Word-of-mouth has been how our software has spread throughout Australia and the world, so looking after our users is our priority.
So take action now and get your discount for 2023!
Call us now on 3481 9676 or email
At Pronamics, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We value honesty and encourage all stakeholders to present their case in a friendly, professional manner.
We agree to work cooperatively to find the best possible solutions. We always remain open to dialogue and change.