The usage of resources and resources units
There are two cost estimate formulas which allows you to refer to the usage of a particular resource, or particular resource unit in a formula. These are the SmRes and SmResUnit formulas.
SmRes returns the sum of a resource
First enter the range of the lines you wish to retrieve the resource usage from, then the name of the resource in double inverted commas.
Note that the resource name is case sensitive. See the result of this formula is in the total units of the basic labour resource on the referred to lines.
Like other formulas that refer to a line, or range of lines, you can see the lines highlighted in red.
SmResUnit returns the sum of a particular unit of a resource
It is set up in a very similar way. Instead of entering the name of a resource, simply enter the unit you wish to refer to.
This shows us the total usage of resources with a unit of MHR. Keep in mind that these formulas will include the usage of base resources used within group resources.
You can use these formulas as a part of a larger formula also.
For more information including a complete list of formulas, check out our Knowledge Base article.

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