No one quite knows what makes them tick.
But we talk to them every day and, after an exclusive interview with a top estimator, we’ve found out more about what they are really like…
“I’m an estimator. To save time let’s just assume that I’m never wrong.”
It makes sense, doesn’t it? The best estimators must produce flawless work, otherwise it leads to higher expenses due to hidden costs or errors. The best estimators, who want and need perfect work, use a software package that is transparent. One that points out errors as they arise, so they can be fixed as they go.
Always need more time
If you give an estimator a project or a problem, they will not let it go until it is solved. Back in the old days, this would have been extremely time consuming with pen and paper, or even a spreadsheet. But with the right estimating software it has never been easier to fix, finish and finalise tenders. This leaves estimators with more time to spend doing the things that are important to them – more estimates!
Love efficiency
Big estimates involve a lot of repetition. With libraries, duplicating, editing and updating data is easy! With a spreadsheet… not so much.An estimator would have to input the same data over and over, and if they find a mistake at the end of this process, they’ll be in for a long night.
The right estimating package means data is ready to use within a library, improving productivity.
Don’t like change
Change is challenging in any profession, but estimators in particular find it hard to change the processes they’ve had for years. With the ever-changing times of technology, it is important to keep an open mind and find the tools that work best.
Some estimating packages provide options that you do not need. Some are too simple and don’t permit enough customisation. However, it is possible to find an estimating package that is just right and gives estimators back their nights and weekends, allowing them to finish their work with confidence.
Is this you?
Can you relate to any of these traits? Why don’t you get in touch with us and let us know! We’d love to hear from you at
At Pronamics, we say what we mean, and we mean what we say. We value honesty and encourage all stakeholders to present their case in a friendly, professional manner.
We agree to work cooperatively to find the best possible solutions. We always remain open to dialogue and change.